表中色塊表示該導演有兩部以上腐劇,顏色僅為區別用途 1.
我看了好多2016年的腐劇,足足有七部。是泰腐歷年來最多的,這就是所謂的「腐風潮大爆發」。也許,別的年份有更多腐劇吧?但2016年作品的深度和廣度是僅見的。真的超精彩! I’ve watched
7 BL series produced in 2016 which is the most productive year, and I called
it the ‘BL series outbreaking phenomenon.’ Maybe there are more BL series
produced during these years, but the quality and diversity in 2016 are the
best. This year is so remarkable. 2.
截至2020為止,仍可以見到泰國傳統佛教觀、寺廟戲、輪迴觀及甜點文化。這是泰腐一個很大的文化優勢和創意。甚至可以說是最大的。 So far
(2020), we can still observe the Thailand Buddism and Reincarnation tradition, plots and
scenes in the temple and Thai dessert culture in these series which is the great competitiveness
when it comes to cultral originality. Instead, I would like to say ‘amaizing’
indeed. 3.
GMM出的腐劇中我最喜歡「愛情理論」,因為有阿塔潘,我覺得他的演技大大地提昇了這部劇的精采度,真可謂神助攻。但從「清明時節愛上我」以來卻也都有明顯的美中不足。我覺得腐男女的需求有點被小看了。 My favorite
GMM BL series is ‘Theory of Love’ because of Gun Atthaphan. I think his
performance brilliantly elevates this series, but there are still many flaws since ’He’s
coming to me’ released. I think the demand of BL lovers is underestimated. 4.
一般有跨性別設定的劇,我都會想看,蠻加分的。如果跨性別角色有騷淫慾望,基本都很有趣;但更深入的描寫,目前只有GDH公司的娘娘腔日記,成長空間還是很大。 I always appriciate the transgender actors who are the qualified bonus in series. If these actors play the lusting and erotic characteristics, they are always splendid and interesting. But beside the ‘Diary of tootsies’ by GDH movie company, there is no any furthur deciphering which should be more. 5.
這些BL劇基本都還是「同性戀恐懼症」;「厭女情節」也能在「為愛所困第二季」和「醉後愛上你」裡面看到。很可惜。 These BL
series are basically Homophobia even though Misogyny can be seen within the ‘Love
sick 2’ and ‘Together with me.’ That blows. 6.
坦白說,在「性暴力、性騷擾」和「情慾流動、勾引、發騷」之間,確實有蠻大的「灰色地帶」。現在腐劇大部分都很政治正確,灰色地帶開發不足,希望能有所突破。 Frankly,
between sexual harassment/violence and erotic fluidity/seduction, there is enormous
grey space should be explored. BL series nowadays are righteous politically, exploration
for grey space is needed. I would like to see it. 7.
Because of China funding, ‘What the duck’ was sucked, it blowed the effort made by Thailand version. ‘My engineer’ newly released also has its China funding, I’ll wait and see about its quality which shouldn't be deteriorated by its China money daddy. 8. 請大家按讚我的粉絲團並加入社團一腐成主顧,我們在那邊繼續好好聊聊:) 9. 以下是我紀錄過的幾部作品,希望對大家有幫助: 愛情理論完全剖析:一位愚粉擺脫消費偶像的演化誌,關鍵在破解銀彈攻勢與粉絲服務。 TharnType
the series:問鼎2019年度腐劇(第十集) TharnType
the series:泰國知名youtuber「映後片」(หนังหน้าโรง)分享(第11集) TharnType
the series:回味無窮的完結篇(第12集) 別人的眼光?當你愛時,無所傷,無所抵抗(虛擬婚禮Fanmeeting前導片) All copy right is reserved. |
想知道B級的推薦指南 呵
回覆刪除哇!這真是好大的挑戰。因為B級泰腐的量真的超級、超級、超級多。看來我要跟東東和老阿腐請教一下了:) 謝謝你觸發我的合作靈感。
刪除還是很想爭辯你討厭的【厭女】,不同方向增加戲劇張力應該無可厚非,除非這個狀況現實不存在。Dark blue kiss 裡面 Non 這個角色,您會覺得是「厭男情節」嗎?
回覆刪除5. 這些BL劇基本都還是「同性戀恐懼症」;「厭女情節」也能在「為愛所困第二季」和「醉後愛上你」裡面看到。很可惜。
刪除列了Dark blue kiss, 我會覺得不如列 Kiss me again, 這部講述 Pete Kao 相識、相打、到相愛的過程絕對更值得留戀。Dark blue Kiss 則從頭至尾籠罩著陰鬱的氣氛,要到最後2集才豁然開朗,也只有最後這2集讓我願意一看再看。Kiss me again 則每一集都可以不浪費再看幾次。
回覆刪除同感,kiss me again 裡的Pete kao 兩人從一開始的互厭到最後面的相愛💙真的超棒的!